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Apple Bites  Educational Opinions and Editorials Part 5 of 7



Commentary, Facts, and Opinion on Issues Related to Children and Education

beautiful African am girl

Part 5


Trump Attacks Congressional Persons of Color, Traumatizes Immigrant Children, and Denies Funds for Schools




There is no such thing as a new low for Donald Trump. He has set the standard for presidential low. Low in morals, low in character, low in truth, low in honesty, and even lower in knowledge of people, school children and the constitution. He displayed his ineptness again with attacks on congress women Alexandria Cortez, Illhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib. Trump said, they were not capable of loving our country; they should go back to their own infested country, they should be sent back. The tragedy of Trumps continued ignorance and ineptness is that the USA is their country. These ladies are US citizens duly elected to congress by their constituents who are also US citizens.


Trump attacked these congress women for doing their job and pointing out the evil of his policies-- They visited the southern boarder and detention centers and pointed out the ill and inhumane conditions they witnessed. They objected to children being separated from their parents, placed in cages, living in unsanitary conditions, and being denied the most basic of human needs.


Trump further-showed his racism and hate by attacking representative Elijah Cummings and the people who reside in the city of Baltimore. School children live in the city of Baltimore but Trump said their city was dirty, rat infested and no one would want to live there. Thousands of school children live in the city of Baltimore,and some children tease , joke, and make fun of others. Bullies also live in Baltimore. They pick on the weak,and have "so-called fun" at children's expense. Degrading a city and its citizens only provide an excuse for more unkind words from bullies and aggressive individuals. Closed mined people fill up of high octane bigotry for their bias and racist views, they supports white nationalist and those of their elk.



Trump is all the things we read in the news media and more. He is indeed a racist, and his bigotry does not contribute to the positive image that school children need. A president's language, knowledge, image, and deeds influence our children. Trump has a serious problem with these things.


The cruelty of Donald Trump and his disregard for school children has no end. In a recent raid by Ice in Mississippi he ordered the arrest of over 600 immigrants, 300 of which were American citizens. Trump had parents arrested while their children were in school which left children crying, confused, lonely and on their own with no place to go. Some students had little guidance when school was over. How can children in the 6 to ten age range know how to survive when their parents are removed. No plans were made for this cruel act. Children were separated from their parents, caged, detained, and left to wonder about their fate. This is the type of evil and cruelty that American and some immigrant school children face under the trump administration. No other occupant of the white house has displayed such racism, or showed such support for white nationalism and serious disregard for the education, protection, and well being of school children.


To further add injury to the ills of children ,Trump has now taken money from the military budget earmarked to build and repair schools for children of men and women serving in the military. This money was transfered to build his useless boarder wall that he promised several times MEXICO would pay for and not the Americans. The children of the country's fighting forces are being denied needed schools and essential repairs to fulfill the ego of a narcissist who made a promise he knew was not true, and he could never enforce or keep. Schools over the country need funds for general operations. There is seldom enough money for educating the most precious among us --our children. Schools that educate the children of our military should not be denied funds. All children deserve an education. They deserve to be educated in school buildings that are up to standards,where repairs are made when needed, and modernized when necessary.



Continue to apple-bites part 6





Future Apple bites :

" Why Teachers Deserve Higher Pay"